
The Do's and Don'ts of Handling Melbourne Sexual Harassment Investigations.

When it comes to handling sexual harassment claims, there are no simple answers. Each case presents its own set of challenges, and the reactions of those involved will often determine how the rest of the investigation plays out. 

The process doesn’t need to be stressful for you or your team. By knowing what to do and what not to do when investigating a claim of sexual harassment, you can help ensure that your organization is handling these cases in an efficient and professional manner. The article discusses some advice on handling Melbourne sexual harassment investigations.

Don’t assume anything
Everyone involved in the investigation process must remember that they don’t know the full story behind the claim. You can’t assume that the accuser is telling the truth or lying, or that the accused is innocent. 

Everyone needs to let the investigation take its natural course in order to ensure that the facts are uncovered. 

When conducting interviews with the parties involved, investigators and HR professionals must be careful to phrase their questions in a neutral way. They can’t lead the people they are interviewing or try to influence their answers in any way. 

They also need to avoid making any assumptions about the situation based on their own experiences. Don’t rush to judgment Even if you are absolutely certain that the claim is false or that the accused is innocent, you can’t let those emotions guide your actions during the investigation process. Instead, you need to remain neutral and let the facts lead you to your final conclusion. 

Don’t tell people what to say. HR professionals and managers interviewing employees who have been accused of sexual harassment need to be careful not to suggest what the person being interviewed should say. 

They should focus on asking open-ended questions, and let the interviewee dictate the flow and direction of the conversation. 

Do take the time to listen and understand. If you are being asked to investigate a claim of sexual harassment, then the most important thing you need to do is listen to both sides. You can’t jump to conclusions or make any assumptions until you truly understand what each person involved is trying to say. 

Don’t rush the investigation, and don’t let emotions influence the process. Make sure to spend the time necessary to truly understand both sides of the situation.

Do have a plan for moving forward
Even if the accuser is absolutely certain that the accused person is guilty, you can’t act on that conclusion until you have all the facts. You need to let the investigation play out, and then use the facts to make your decision. 

Do have a plan for how you are going to proceed with the investigation. Decide how much time you are going to give each side to provide their version of the story. 

Decide if the parties involved should be interviewed separately or together. Make sure everyone knows the expected timeline for the investigation and has an opportunity to ask questions. 

Do take into account any extenuating circumstances. If one of the parties involved has a health issue or is otherwise unable to participate in the investigation, try to work around their limitations as much as possible.

Don’t ignore accusations or pretend they didn’t happen
Ignoring sexual harassment claims or pretending they didn’t happen will only fuel the fire and make matters worse. Instead, take the claims seriously and investigate them as thoroughly as possible. This will help you put an end to the harassment, and it will show all of your employees that you are dedicated to maintaining a safe and respectful work environment. 

Don’t make any hasty decisions. Even if the facts of the investigation seem to point to one conclusion, you can’t jump to action before you have all the facts. Make sure the investigation is thorough and impartial before you take any action against the accused. 

Don’t make any hasty decisions about the accuser either. Just because someone has made a sexual harassment claim doesn’t mean that person is trying to get the accused person fired. The accuser might simply want the harassment to stop and want to be treated with respect and dignity.

A sexual harassment investigation can be an incredibly stressful and emotional experience for everyone involved. It is important that you handle the investigation the right way in order to ensure the facts are uncovered and a proper decision is reached. Follow these tips to help guide you through the investigation process and help ensure that the right decision is made in each case. 

A prompt, thorough investigation into every claim of sexual harassment is the best way to end harassment in the workplace and keep your employees happy and productive.

For more information on sexual harassment investigations in Melbourne visit