Geelong is a major city in the state of Victoria, Australia, located on the beautiful Corio Bay and the Barwon River. As a major regional centre, the workplace plays an important role in the city's economy and social fabric, and as such, workplace investigations are essential to ensure the rights and safety of all employees.
Workplace investigations in Geelong are conducted with the utmost care and attention, taking into account the individual rights of employees and employers, and the unique circumstances of each workplace. A comprehensive investigation process is followed, beginning with the initial complaint and continuing through to the resolution of the issue. The workplace investigation process is designed to ensure that all parties are heard, enabling the best outcome for both employees and employers.
Overview of workplace investigations in Geelong
A workplace investigation is an impartial and objective process by which complaints and allegations of misconduct are examined and assessed. An investigation is undertaken when a concern has been reported and needs to be explored to determine its validity and appropriate action.
The process is designed to be fair and objective, with due consideration for the rights and privacy of all parties. A range of different types of workplace investigations are used, depending on the nature of the complaint. There are some that are used regularly, and these include investigations into harassment and discrimination, and investigations into serious misconduct such as assault.
Other types of workplace investigations may be used less frequently. These include investigations into theft, financial misconduct, and criminal activities.
What is a workplace investigation?
A workplace investigation is an assessment process that occurs in response to a particular complaint, allegation, or problem. Generally, an investigation is initiated when a problem or complaint has arisen in the workplace and the affected parties need to be heard.
The investigator will interview those involved to collect information about the issue and its potential causes and will also interview witnesses to corroborate the information provided.
The investigator will prepare a written report that includes recommendations for action, and records all of the details of the investigation. The workplace investigation report will be shared with the parties involved and may also be shared more widely in the organization, depending on the nature of the complaint.
The report will also include information about the rights of the parties involved, including any appeal rights that are available to them.
What are the benefits of workplace investigations?
Workplace investigations provide a fair and impartial process for addressing complaints and allegations of misconduct. They provide a structured and consistent approach to resolving workplace issues and can also help to reduce the risk of future problems by addressing them as soon as they arise.
The benefits of workplace investigations will vary depending on the nature of the complaint, and the response that is being sought. There are some issues, such as assault or harassment, where the benefits will be immediate, as the issues are resolved quickly. Other complaints, such as financial dishonesty, may take longer to resolve, but will have a long-term positive effect on the business.
What is the process for a workplace investigation?
A workplace investigation will vary depending on the nature of the complaint being investigated. There are some types of complaints that will follow a standard process, whereas others may need to be addressed more informally.
The first step in the process is for the person who has reported the issue to be heard. They will be given an opportunity to explain the nature of their complaint, and to provide all of the relevant details.
The next step involves interviewing those involved in the complaint, to collect their version of the events and to corroborate the details provided by the original complaint. At this stage, the investigator may also interview witnesses, who will provide information that can help to establish a complete picture of the situation.
The last step involves preparing a written report that records all of the details of the investigation, and that includes the investigator’s recommendations for action.
What are the steps in a workplace investigation?
Investigate - The investigator will gather all of the details of the situation, including the names of all parties involved, the date and nature of the complaint, and a list of potential witnesses.
Interview - The investigator will interview the person who made the complaint, and the parties that have been named in the complaint. They will also interview any potential witnesses, who will be asked to provide details of what they saw or heard.
Analyse - The investigator will review all of the information that has been gathered, including interviews, notes, and documents. They will use this information to form conclusions about what has occurred.
Report - The investigator will prepare a written report that details the issues that have been raised, and the conclusions that have been reached. They will also include recommendations for action.
What are the laws and regulations governing workplace investigations?
There are a wide range of regulations and laws that govern workplace investigations. The most important of these are:
Privacy laws - Privacy laws are designed to protect individuals from the misuse and improper handling of their personal information. Investigators must be aware of how to collect and store information appropriately and must respect the privacy rights of all parties involved in the investigation.
Discrimination and Harassment laws - Discrimination and harassment laws govern how complaints that fall under these categories are investigated. In general, these complaints must be investigated formally, and must be concluded as quickly as is reasonably possible.
Collective agreements - Collective agreements are contracts that have been negotiated between employers and employees to settle disputes in their favour. These agreements may also include details about how certain workplace issues should be addressed, such as discipline, grievances, and terminations.
Company policies - Company policies are used to guide the actions of employees, and can also provide details about how certain workplace issues should be addressed.
How to prepare for a workplace investigation?
Preparing for an investigation can be challenging, particularly if the complaint has come as a surprise. It is important to remain calm, and not to panic or make any hasty decisions.
The first step is to ensure that you understand the nature of the complaint, and the details of the allegations. You may want to consider speaking to the person who has made the complaint and asking them to explain their point of view. It is important to remember that the person who has made the complaint has a right to be heard, and for their complaint to be investigated.
Once you understand the nature you can begin to prepare for the process. You will want to gather any documents or information that may be relevant to the complaint and prepare for interviews with witnesses and the person who has made the complaint. It may also be helpful to seek advice from others who have been through this type of process, or to seek the assistance of an employment lawyer.
What are the roles and responsibilities of the investigator?
The investigator is the person who will conduct the workplace investigation, and who will gather all of the information that is relevant to the complaint. The investigator will conduct interviews with the parties involved and will gather details from witnesses.
They will also be responsible for writing the report that summarizes the investigation and includes the investigator’s recommendations for action. The investigator will be guided by a set of standards that includes the following responsibilities:
Acting honestly and ethically - Ensuring that all parties are treated fairly, with due consideration for their privacy.
Ensuring that all relevant information is gathered, and that it is handled appropriately.
Providing all parties with a reasonable opportunity to present their side of the story.
Completing the investigation as quickly as is reasonably possible.
How to conduct a workplace investigation?
There are many different models that can be used for workplace investigations, and investigators will have their own preferred processes, and variations on these models. The most important thing is to ensure that the process is thorough and fair, and that all parties are given a chance to be heard.
Here are some tips for conducting a workplace investigation:
Gather all of the information that is relevant to the complaint, including witness statements, any documents that are relevant, and details of any CCTV footage.
Ensure that all parties are treated fairly and are given a reasonable opportunity to present their side of the story.
Be thorough, but don't take an unlimited amount of time. Completing the investigation as quickly as is reasonably possible will help to reduce the stress and disruption that the complaint may have caused.
Should all this sound a bit daunting, or you realise that it will be difficult to conduct an unbiased internal investigation – contact Jolasers to discuss the best way to approach your workplace investigation.